Violent Haleyville Sexual Assaulter Billy Valentine

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We Believe Survivors!

Our fundamental guiding principle is that we believe survivors. It’s incredibly important to listen to victims, the abused, and the oppressed in the age of Trump and Kavanaugh, where victim blaming and rape culture are normalized. Our community is fighting back by exposing rapists and sexual abusers while defending victims. If you’re a rapist or sexual abuser and you live in our community, we’re coming for you.

Billy Valentine: Violent Rapist and Sexual Harasser

Billy Valentine is a toxic and violent person who lives in Haleyville, Alabama. He likes to sexually harass and sexually assault both the teenage girls and the adult women who work with him. On at least one occasion, he has caused a person to quit their job due to his toxic abuse. It seems that he has no regard for the girls and the women who work around him and, despite the fact he caused someone to quit because of his behavior, he demonstrates that he has no remorse for his actions, as he continues to sexually bully and assault his coworkers.

In keeping with the typical repulsive mindset and worldview of toxic and violent male rapists and sexual assaulters, Billy believes that he can continue this abusive behavior without repercussions. But Billy is about to find out that our community will not tolerate this deplorable and abusive behavior. We will alert the community and let as many people know that there is a violent sexual abuser in the area.

Billy has two phone numbers that he can be reached at: 205-485-2482; 205-485-4654. Billy also has two email accounts:; Billy lives at the following address: 365 Delta Dr., Haleyville, Al. Here’s his Facebook account.