We would like to remind you that the reason we release these articles is for self-defense against violent and bigoted people in our communities, be they violent neo-Nazis and racists or sexual abusers. By releasing this information we’re allowing the public to be able to be aware of potential danger and its location. The majority of people we expose actively seek out violence and we aim to stop that from happening.
There’s no such thing as a fascist that’s too small to expose because 1. being one is inherently violent and 2. their end goal is genocide.
Contact details:
Jarred Sallas is 25 and lives at 2204 Hill St NW
Huntsville, AL 35810-4435.
Jarred Sallas works at DCS Electronic. Contact them and let them know that they have a violent fascist working for them who openly talks about murdering people. Contact them here: Email: DCS@dcselectrichsv.com Phone: (256)-776-9336 Address: 147 Starlight Dr. Gurley, AL 35748
Here’s a script you can use when contacting his employer:
Today, we’re releasing information on Huntsville, Alabama resident and violent, misogynist, transphobic, anti-communist fascist Jarred Sallas. On social media, he’s a bit of a crypto-fascist; meaning, he attempts to conceal his explicit fascism. This can take the form of couching anti-immigrant sentiment, anti-Semitism, and ethnonationalism in the imagery of memes or the rhetoric of conservative talking points. But it’s not hard to uncover his fascism if you’re familiar with alt-right rhetoric. It’s even easier when you take a look at his “likes” on social media, as he follows explicit fascist accounts like Anti-Communist Action and others revolving around the “redpill”–a white supremacist propaganda meme.
Obsession With Killing People
Jarred Sallas talks openly in public posts on Facebook about killing people, namely, his political opponents. In fact, he talks quite frequently about openly killing people. We found 16 posts where he fantasizes about killing those he dislikes, slaughtering people in a civil war that he hopes will happen, or killing anyone who disrespects the American flag. In one post, he talks about yelling hate out of a window, seemingly in an attempt to provoke one to violence in order to kill them. He says that the entire generation of millennials should have been drowned in a bathtub. He shares a post depicting a car running over a crowd of protestors. This particular meme was circulated widely by neo-fascists after Unite the Right in Charlottesville where a neo-Nazi ran his car into a crowd of people, killing one.
In another post, he says, “There’s [sic] certain people that you can kill throughout your life and she’s one of them.” referring to a speaker on Tucker Carlson’s show who’s talking about gender-neutral babies. In another post, he talks about committing child abuse seemingly against his hypothetical child by making them sleep in a tent in the back yard for “disrespecting parents.” In one post, showing how adept he is in ethical philosophy, he says, “There exists no good, only unrealized evil. I bring hope to the sinners and death to the people.” He calls Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “stupid” and says she’s “dying to have to have someone try to kill her.” In another post, he shares a meme about a zombie apocalypse that says white people can’t wait to go on a killing spree and not feel guilty. And in another, he shares a meme that says waterboarding is tactical baptism.
In yet another post that appears to contain lyrics to the song Wretched by Ghostmane, he says, among other things, “I’ll shoot an apple off your wifey’s head and miss and hit the bitch in the head.” The song itself talks about committing violence and genocide and anti-Semitism: “Mask on face. Weapons in my place. A hundred million bodies I’ma concentrate;” “Fuck around, participate in homicide. From sea to shining sea, a Christian holocaust. A pagan neo-Judaistic genocide;” “Lizard people all around me man.” “Lizard people” is an anti-Semitic slur that gets tossed around in conspiracy theorist circles and some of those in the alt-right use it as well.
Lastly, on the topic of killing, in a particularly disturbing post, he says in quotes, “‘I’m only dead cause [sic] you didn’t hear my cry for help.'” Well, we hear him loud and clear, and we hope that Jarred will get the help he needs before he acts on his murder fantasies and seriously harms someone (or himself).

Transphobia, Racism, Misogyny
Jarred doesn’t think very highly of trans people. Anti-LGBT+ sentiment is very common in fascism. Neo-fascists and neo-Nazis see LGBT+ people as degenerate and they often spread bigoted memes depicting hateful sentiment and violence, and some even act on their impulses to violence. Fascists wish to restore society back to the atomic family era where gender roles were enforced and LGBT+ people were killed outright. Fascist “Reject Modernity” memes depict this worldview and they’re widely spread.
Jarred regularly posts racist and misogynist content. He makes it clear that he doesn’t care about women or their wellbeing and likes posts that level women down to being “whores;” in one post, he calls women “snakes.” He’s against feminism and likes anti-feminist pages and the misogynistic Men Going Their Own Way.
He also likes to spread around dishonest memes that seek to disinform others about antifascists and Black Lives Matter, comparing both to the KKK and claiming they’re communists. It’s true that some communists are a part of antifascist collectives, but not all antifascists are communists. “Antifa” (short for antifascist/antifascism) is a pan-radical left phenomenon that includes anarchists and other libertarian socialists (not to be confused with libertarianism). Black Lives Matter is a collective of black people that are standing up to police brutality, the murder of black folks by racist cops, and systematic, institutionalized racism. The KKK is a racist, fascist, white supremacist and Christian racialist movement who has a particularly violent and murderous history in the US. The klan is made up of neo-Nazis and they themselves are anti-communists. They marched at Unite the Right, and various fascist groups support them.
Anti-Communist Action, the Redpill, and Old-Time Fascism
There are only so many public posts on his two Facebook pages but luckily his “likes” are visible and we can learn quite a lot about his ideology. Aside from generic “shitposting” meme pages, he has liked a few explicitly fascist accounts like Anti-Communist Action, Captain Redpill, It’s OK To Be Right (which is a play on a fascist “it’s okay to be white” meme), and Spicy White Boy Memes.
As you know, Anti-Communist Action consists of fascist collectives around the US. They had a Discord account that got leaked by Unicorn Riot where they posted all kinds of violent and fascist posts. They were one of the groups behind the Unite the Right rally and helped to radicalize young white men.

In the leaked Discord logs, members of Anticom posted pictures of themselves committing anti-Semitic acts of vandalism, and other posts depict members sharing around information on explosives. Some members even proposed making a backpack bomb terror plot against antifascists.

Taking a sampling of posts from the Anticom Facebook page we can see them glorifying political assassination, general violence, and transphobia–because all fascists come from the same reactionary tree.

Next on his “likes” list is Captain Redpill. “Redpill” is a reactionary meme passed around by neo-fascists. It refers to the film The Matrix where Neo takes the red pill and is able to see reality how it actually is. The “redpill” serves the same function in fascist circles: “redpilling” is the making of memes and arguments that serve as propaganda devised to radicalize those receptive into fascist circles. Posts here include anti-Semitism and transphobia.

Next is the page It’s Ok To Be Right. Notice the helicopter meme, misogyny, and the redpill photo. The name of the page is a play on the words “it’s okay to be white” which is a fascist meme advocating for a white identity and white supremacy.

Lastly, here’s some racist posts from the page Spicy White Boy Memes.
Antifascism is Self-Defense!
This sort of content is the typical stuff that you’d run across being posted by the alt-right and other neo-fascists. The leaked Discord chats by Unicorn Riot shows this exact same content being shared in the private chats of groups like Identity Evropa and Patriot Front.
Jarred seems to be obsessed with posting about violence and murder on social media and spreading around hatred and bigotry of vulnerable and marginalized groups. We’ve seen people just like this in 2019 who’ve posted the exact same rhetoric who went on to commit mass shootings.
We do this work in proactive self-defense in the aim to prevent things like this from happening and to educate the public on potential threats and dangerous people. Keep in mind that these are all fascist, misogynistic, and anti-LGBT+ pages that Jarred has liked out of his own free will. Both Jarred, through the posts he’s made and the pages he’s liked, advocate for violence. If you’re in Huntsville, be on the lookout.
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